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What is Slander? Understanding the Fine Line Between Opinion and Slander

What is Slander?

Slander is a false statement made about an individual or entity which could harm the individual’s or entity’s reputation. While one may assume that they are free to make a statement to express his/her opinion, it must be understood that an opinion made with no basis or that cannot be substantiated or reasoned could be slander if it harms the reputation of the person or entity to whom the statement is directed at.

Responsible Expression: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Slander

To avoid engaging in slander and its potential legal repercussions in Singapore, it is essential to keep the following in mind:

Verify the information you are acting on

Before making statements about anyone, ensure that the information you speak about is accurate. Relying on credible sources and conducting thorough research could help prevent the spread of false information.

Exercise Caution in Public Discussions

When engaging in public discussions or social media interactions, be mindful of the language you use and the potential impact of your words. Always  express opinions based on facts and avoid making baseless  statements

Practice Responsible Sharing

In today’s age of digital communication, false information may spread like wildfire. Always verify  the credibility and accuracy of the content you come across before sharing your views on social media. Taking the time to verify information creates a better understanding of true circumstances and could prevent any potential slanderous behaviour .

Seek Legal Advice

If you are uncertain of the impact your statements have made or could make or if you believe you have been accused of slander, it is advisable to consult a legal professional who specialises in defamation law. Defamation law is one of our expertise. We could assist you in understanding your legal rights and recourses.  

The understanding of this fine line between opinion and slander would lead to a constructive exchange of ideas while avoiding harm and hurt to others reputation.

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Any information of a legal nature in this blog is given in good faith and has been derived from resources believed to be reliable and accurate. The author of the information contained herein this blog does not give any warranty or accept any responsibility arising in any way, including by reason of negligence for any errors or omissions herein. Readers should seek independent legal advice.